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What We Do

Offer support to people and their families that have Fibromyalgia

We are a support group that meets every second Tuesday of the month at St John's The Baptist, Fleet Street, Coventry, CV1 3AY.


We start at 11.00am and have the room until 1.00pm but if anyone needs to leave before, that's no problem. 


There is a £3.00 charge this covers the cost of the room hire. The first time you come along to the group it is free. There is also a £3.00 charge for carer's/family members.


Please note we are cash only as we have no internet access for card payments.


You do not need to come to every meeting, fibro is unpredictable, so just pop along whenever you can, we will always be pleased to see you.

Find out more about us
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Home: About

Helping people in anyway possible deal with Fibromyalgia.

Our monthly meetings include

- a mixture of speakers, relevant to dealing with fibromyalgia

- sharing hints and tips to help in everyday life,

- sharing up to date information that we think is relevant,

- the odd game of bingo, 

- sometimes we may have a social meeting where we can sit and have a good moan, rant or a good laugh.

After all they say laughter is the best medicine! 



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Home: Welcome

How we can support

  • We offer advice on how to learn to live with fibromyalgia after you have been diagnosed.  

  • At the group we have information on fibromyalgia, applying for benefits, blue badges, and offer help where it is needed.

  • We are here to help and listen to any concerns you have about living with fibromyalgia.


Claiming benefits

We keep the information on applying for benefits as up to date as possible so that the advice we pass on is relevant.
There is a lot of information from our members too that have been through the process of applying for benefits.
We can also offer advice on finances, often there is a big change in circumstances and it can be very daunting to go from having a regular income to living on benefits.


We have a wide range of fibromyalgia merchandise that you can purchase.
we also have a range of mobility aids, example radar keys, grabbers, blue badge holders, etc. These can be purchased at a cheaper price than some shops. 
If there is anything specific you would like us to look in to please let one of our committee members know and we will try our best to help you.

A friendly chat

One of our aims is to make people feel as welcome as possible and not feel alone any more.
We are always available to talk to anyone that needs help. If anyone would like to talk on a 1-1 basis, during time at the group, we will arrange that. Unfortunately, we are not able to meet outside group times as we have fibromyalgia ourselves and we are not able to commit anymore than we already do.
Our members have a wealth of information, hints and tips on how to deal and live with fibromyalgia. If one member doesn't know the answer another one will.

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